W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
This Do in Remembrance of Me
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815–1881)W
Deep on Kedron’s hallowed dell,
When around the festal board
Sate the Apostles with their Lord,
Then His parting word He said,
Blessed the cup and brake the bread—
“This whene’er ye do or see
Evermore remember Me.”
Changing with the changing time,
Varying thro’ a thousand forms,
Torn by factions, rock’d by storms,
Still the sacred table spread
Flowing cup and broken bread
With that parting word agree,
“Drink and eat. Remember Me.”
Sinks the soul dismay’d, opprest;
When the shadows of the tomb
Close us round with deepening gloom;
Then bethink us at this board
Of the sorrowing suffering Lord,
Who when tried and grieved as we,
Dying, said, “Remember Me.”
Hearths of peace and fields of strife,
Friends or foes together meet,
Now to part and now to greet,
Let those holy tokens tell
Of that sweet and sad farewell,
And in mingled grief or glee
Whisper still “Remember Me.”
Towards their central source to turn;
When contending churches tire
Of the earthquake, wind and fire;
Here let strife and clamour cease
At that still small voice of peace—
“May they all united be
In the Father and in Me.”
Each fresh note of love we hear;
When the Babe, the Youth, the Man,
Full of grace Divine we scan,
When the mournful Way we tread
Where for us His blood He shed;
When on Easter morn we tell
How He conquer’d Death and Hell;
When we watch His spirit true
Heaven and earth transform anew;
Then with quicken’d sense we see
Why He said “Remember Me.”
We would give to God our best,
For the treasures of His might
Seeking life and love and light,
Then O friend of humankind
Make us true and firm of mind,
Pure of heart, in spirit free—
Then may we remember Thee.