W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
The Flight into Egypt
John Moultrie (1799–1874)T
Following tracks explored by few,
Sad at heart, and worn, and weary,
We our toilsome march pursue.
O’er our heads with blaze unclouded
Burns the fierce and fiery noon;
Pestilence in darkness shrouded
Near us walks beneath the moon.
Oft with bleeding feet we climb;
Scarce to taste the desert fountain—
Human hate allows no time.
Israel’s homes lie far behind us,
Yet we pause not to look back,
Lest the keen pursuer find us,
Lest grim murder scent our track.
Each careering towards her nest;
E’en the wolf and fox are stealing
To the covert of their rest;
Every foul and noxious creature
Finds on earth its lair and bed;
But the Infant Lord of Nature
Hath not where to lay his head.
On Thy fainting mother’s arm;
God in His great love beholds thee,
Angels guard thy rest from harm.
Earth and hell in vain beset Thee,
Kings against thy life conspire;
But our God can ne’er forget thee,
Nor His arm that shields thee, tire.
Wrapt perchance in vengeful flame;
Ruffian voices round it yelling
Curses on thy gentle name.
Woe to Bethlehem’s matrons, keeping
Tenderest watch above their dead!
Rachel for her children weeping,
Knows not to be comforted.
Fades before what mine must be;
Doom’d to see my lov’d one languish
Through this life’s long misery.
Doom’d to see Earth’s hate expended
On his meek and lowly head,
Till his weary task is ended—
Till his sinless blood is shed.
When the grass begins to wave,
After many a dreary morrow,
Freshly o’er each infant grave.
I alone to rest a stranger,
Must behold with aching eye,
O’er my child distress and danger
Gathering still incessantly.
Of thy chastening to complain;
Gladly let me here inherit
Toil and sorrow, care and pain!
Welcome Earth’s most dread vexations!
Welcome anguish and distress!
Since my name all generations
For a Saviour’s love shall bless.