W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
The Choruses of the Ascension
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)Chorus of Angels
Hail the glad token,
True was it spoken,
Sin’s fetters are broken,
Man’s bondage is ended!
We balmed and we bathed Him,
Loyally, lovingly,
Tenderly swathed Him;
With cerecloth and band
For the grave we arrayed Him;
But oh, He is gone
From the place where we laid Him!
The love that possess’d Him,
The pangs that oppress’d Him,
To prove and to test Him,
In triumph have ended!
On high has ascended;
There lives in glory,
Sublimely attended.
In heaven whilst He reigneth,
For us Who was slain here,
On earth we, His chosen,
To suffer remain here,—
To suffer and languish
Midst pain and annoy;
Lord, in our anguish,
We envy Thy joy.
Lo! Christ has ascended!
Rejoice, for the fetters
That bound you are rended!
Praise Him unceasingly,
Love one another,
Break bread together, like
Sister and brother!
Preach the glad tidings
To all who will hear you,
So will the Master be
Evermore near you!