W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
The Boy with the Five Loaves
John Keble (1792–1866)W
For thousands on the mountain’s side,
One of the last and least
The abundant store supplied.
A boy ’mid other boys he came,
A lamb of J
Though now unknown by name.
The Apostles brought him near, to share
Their Lord’s laborious days,
His frugal basket bear?
That led him sacrifice to bring
For his own simple part,
To the world’s hidden King?
How he look’d down, half pride, half fear
Far off he saw one speak
Of him in J
And fishes twain:—but what are they
Where hungry thousands be?’—
Nay, Christ will find a way.
The mighty Shepherd ranks his Sheep
By tens and fifties, still
As clouds when breezes sleep.
Who paint the grave endearing look,
When from that favoured boy
The wondrous pledge He took?—
Bring Him thy best: who knows but He
For His eternal board
May take some gift of thee?
But kneel in faith: an arm benign
Such prayer will duly set
Within the holiest shrine.
Thy childish darts, right-aim’d on high,
May catch Heaven’s fire and glow
Far in the eternal sky:
Type of the Feast by Him decreed,
Where Angels might adore,
And souls for ever feed.