W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
St. Peter in Prison
John Samuel Bewley Monsell (1811–1875)W
Fears not penalties nor pains:
Calmly sleeps, tho’ malice waits
For him at his prison gates;
Dreams not of impending sorrow,
Which may visit him to-morrow,
But, like infant on the breast
Of its mother, sinks to rest?
He to whom his God hath giv’n
Peace on earth, and hope in Heav’n!
Lock and key and wakeful guard,
Rome’s quaternions, rough and bold,
Chains and prison, cannot hold?
From whose hands the fetters fall,
To whom angel voices call,
Who by angel light doth see,
And by angel hand is free?
He for whom, both night and day,
The Redeemer’s Church doth pray!
None can vex or make afraid:
Tho’ the wrath of man be strong,
It can do the soul no wrong;
Fear of evil tidings never
Can the trusting heart dissever
From the rest, and the repose,
The believing spirit knows:
Cheering thoughts! which Christians may
Deepen on St. Peter’s Day.
Rises earnest to the Lord;
Tho’ the might of mortal power
Darkling o’er the Church may lower;
Tho’ the promise seem to fail,
And the gates of Hell prevail,
God will never leave His own
Unprotected or alone:
Ere His Church shall want a friend,
Angels will from Heaven descend.