W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
Richard Crashaw (G.) (c. 1613–1649)JOHN III. 1–21.
Thy darkness thou to Christ hast brought;
But while attent He speaks to thee
Benignant words, that thou mayst see,
Leading higher still and higher,
As thy yearnings do aspire,
Guiding thee, by sure grace given,
Through secret paths that reach to heaven
Lo! the Sun on thee is risen,
Bursting from his cloudy prison,
Showing Him the Life, the Way,
Flushing with first bloom of day,
Quivering with a golden light,
Such as on wav’ring seas gleams bright.
The Sun is risen; yet darkness lies,
Good Nicodemus on thine eyes,
But the night’s thine own; for, lo,
All heav’n above doth lustrous glow.