W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”
Cecilia Mary Caddell (1813?–1877)MATT. XXVII. 46.
Thousands from Thee their lives have taken,
And can it be that in Thine hour
Of utmost need Thou art forsaken?
Forsaken! oh, what Grief and Love
That Word expresses in Thy Tongue—
Thou! in Thy Godhead Bright above—
And thus on earth by Sorrow wrung.
Infinite God and Finite Man,
So high Thy State, Thy State so low,
No human thought can sound or span
The boundless deeps of such a Woe.
Yet, at that Cry of sore Distress,
Our hearts to some dim knowledge waken,
And ’mid the gloom we faintly guess
What God has felt when God-Forsaken.