W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
“Lo, Christ Hath Gone to Bethany”
From the Parisian BreviaryL
And Simon hath prepar’d the board;
Amid that blessèd company,
There let us stand and see the Lord.
Is that the dead doth sit and eat?
But where is Mary—she so meek?
She leaneth o’er her Saviour’s feet.
She opes the odorous ’nard, ’tis she
O’er His blest head, and far and near,
’Tis fragrant with her piety.
Nor avarice in wisdom’s guise,
The anointing of the dying Lamb,
For His approaching obsequies.
The messenger of peace shall call,
So far shall bear recording time
Meek Mary’s blest memorial.
The Father, Son, and Spirit’s Name,
The Son who came meek Mary’s Guest,
Who now in Him hath endless rest.