W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
For the Prodigall
William Drummond of Hawthornden (1585–1649)I
But ah! for pleasure I did find new pain;
Enchanting pleasures so did reason blind,
That father’s love and words I scorn’d as vain.
For tables rich, for bed, for following train
Of careful servants to observe my mind;
These herds I keep my fellows are assign’d,
My bed’s a rock, and herbs my life sustain,
Now while I famine feel, fear worser harms,
Father and Lord, I turn! thy love yet great,
My faults will pardon, pity mine estate.
Thought the lost child, while as the herds he led,
And pin’d with hunger on wild acorns fed.