W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
Christ Washing the Disciples’ Feet
George Washington Bethune (1805–1862)O
Girt as a servant, at Thy servants’ feet,
Love, lowliness, and might, in zeal all blending,
To wash their dust away, and make them meet
To share Thy feast. I know not to adore,
Whether thy humbleness or glory more.
When Thou must hang in anguish on the tree;
Yet, as from the beginning to the ending
Of Thy sad life, Thine own are dear to Thee,—
And Thou wilt prove to them, ere Thou dost part
The untold love which fills Thy faithful heart.
Thy human brow the crown of God shall wear,
Ten thousand saints and radiant ones attending,
To do Thy will and bow in homage there;
But Thou dost pledge, to guard Thy church from ill,
Or bless with good, Thyself a servant still.
Teach me to live, like Thee, in lowly love;
With humblest service all Thy saints befriending,
Until I serve before Thy throne above—
Yes! serving e’en my foes, for Thou didst seek
The feet of Judas in Thy service meek.
My weary way, are sadly stained with sin;
Daily do Thou, Thy precious grace expending,
Wash me all clean without and clean within,
And make me fit to have a part with Thee
And Thine, at last, in Heaven’s festivity.
Man’s highest honour in his humblest name;
For Thou, God’s Christ, that office recommending,
The throne of mighty power didst truly claim;
He who would rise like Thee, like Thee must owe
His glory only to His stooping low.