W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
Blind Bartimeus
George MacDonald (1824–1905)A
’Twas darkness all, from toe to crown,
About blind Bartimeus.
He said, “When eyes are so very dim,
They are no use for seeing him;
No matter—he can see us.
Let not salvation dear go by.—
Have mercy, Son of David.”
Though they were blind, they both could hear—
They heard, and cried, and he drew near;
And so the blind were saved.
Nothing comes through into my mind;
’Tis well I am not dumb:
Although I see thee not, nor hear,
I cry because thou may’st be near;
O Son of Mary, come.
Is it thy voice, so gentle and kind—
“Poor eyes, no more be dim?”
A hand is laid upon mine eyes;
I hear, and hearken, see, and rise—
’Tis He: I follow him.