Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517–47). The Poetical Works. 1880.
Songs and SonnetsPraise of mean and constant Estate
Not aye with full sails the high seas to beat;
Ne by coward dread, in shunning storms dark,
On shallow shores thy keel in peril freat.
Void of dangers advisedly hath his home;
Not with loathsome muck as a den unclean,
Nor palace like, whereat disdain may glome.
With violenter sway fallen turrets steep;
Lightnings assault the high mountains and clives.
A heart well stay’d, in overthwartes deep.
God that sendeth, withdraweth winter sharp.
Now ill, not aye thus; once Phœbus to low’r,
With bow unbent, shall cease; and frame to harp.
And so wisely, when lucky gale of wind
All thy puft sails shall fill, look well about;
Take in a reef: haste is waste, proof doth find.