John Dryden (1631–1700). The Poems of John Dryden. 1913.
Songs from the Plays“Wherever I am, and whatever I doe,” from The Conquest of Granada
My Phillis is still in my mind:
When angry I mean not to Phillis to goe,
My Feet of themselves the way find:
Unknown to my self I am just at her door,
And when I would raile, I can bring out no more,
Than Phillis too fair and unkind!
And the Love I wou’d stifle is shown:
But asleep, or awake, I am never at Rest
When from my Eyes Phillis is gone!
Sometimes a sad Dream does delude my sad mind,
But, alas, when I wake and no Phillis I find
How I sigh to my self all alone.
He should offer his Treasure in vain:
O let me alone to be happy and poor,
And give me my Phillis again:
Let Phillis be mine, and but ever be kind
I could to a Desart with her be confin’d,
And envy no Monarch his Raign.
And she too well knows her own power!
She makes me each day a new Martydom prove,
And makes me grow jealous each hour:
But let her each minute torment my poor mind
I had rather love Phillis both False and Unkind,
Than ever be freed from her Pow’r.