John Dryden (1631–1700). The Poems of John Dryden. 1913.
Songs from the Plays“How unhappy a Lover am I,” from The Conquest of Granada, Part II
While I sigh for my Phillis in vain;
All my Hopes of Delight
Are another man’s Right,
Who is happy while I am in pain!
But to pity the pains which you bear,
’Tis the best of your Fate,
(In a hopeless Estate,)
To give o’re and betimes to despair.
For I wish what I hope not to win:
From without, my desire
Has no Food to its Fire,
But is burns and consumes me within.
That you are not unhappy alone:
For the Nymph you adore
Is as wretched and more,
And accounts all your suff’rings her own.
At the Feet of my Phillis I’le lye:
I’ll resign up my Breath,
And take Pleasure in Death,
To be pity’d by her when I dye.
In her Death she will give to your Love:
Such a Flame as is true
After Fate will renew,
For the Souls to meet closer above.