William Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914.
Dramatis Personæ.Titus Andronicus
- S
ATURNINUS, Son to the late Emperor of Rome, and afterwards declared Emperor. - B
ASSIANUS, Brother to Saturninus, in love with Lavinia. - T
ITUS ANDRONICUS, a Roman, General against the Goths. - M
ARCUS ANDRONICUS, Tribune of the People, and brother to Titus. - L
UCIUS, QUINTUS, MARTIUS, & MUTIUS, Sons to Titus Andronicus. - Y
OUNG LUCIUS, a Boy, Son to Lucius. - P
UBLIUS, Son to Marcus Andronicus. - S
EMPRONIUS, CAIUS, & VALENTINE, Kinsmen to Titus. - Æ
MILIUS, a noble Roman. - A
LARBUS, DEMETRIUS, & CHIRON, Sons to Tamora. - A
ARON, a Moor, beloved by Tamora. - A Captain, Tribune, Messenger, and Clown; Romans.
- Goths and Romans.
- T
AMORA, Queen of the Goths. - L
AVINIA, Daughter to Titus Andronicus. - A Nurse, and a black Child.
Senators, Tribunes, Officers, Soldiers, and Attendants.
SCENE. —Rome, and the Country near it.