William Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914.
Dramatis Personæ.Pericles, Prince of Tyre
- A
NTIOCHUS, King of Antioch.- P
ERICLES, Prince of Tyre.- H
ELICANUS & ESCANES, two Lords of Tyre.- S
IMONIDES, King of Pentapolis.- C
LEON, Governor of Tarsus.- L
YSIMACHUS, Governor of Mitylene.- C
ERIMON, a Lord of Ephesus.- T
HALIARD, a Lord of Antioch.- P
HILEMON, Servant to Cerimon.- L
EONINE, Servant to Dionyza.- Marshal.
- A Pandar.
- B
OULT, his Servant.- The Daughter of Antiochus.
- D
IONYZA, Wife to Cleon.- T
HAISA, Daughter to Simonides.- M
ARINA, Daughter to Pericles and Thaisa.- L
YCHORIDA, Nurse to Marina.- A Bawd.
- P
Lords, Ladies, Knights, Gentlemen, Sailors, Pirates, Fishermen, and Messengers.
GOWER, as Chorus.
SCENE. —Dispersedly in various Countries.