William Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914.
Dramatis Personæ.Coriolanus
- C
AIUS MARCIUS, afterwards Caius Marcius Coriolanus.- T
ITUS LARTIUS & COMINIUS, Generals against the Volscians.- M
ENENIUS AGRIPPA, Friend to Coriolanus.- S
ICINIUS VELUTUS & JUNIUS BRUTUS, Tribunes of the People.- Y
OUNG MARCIUS, Son to Coriolanus.- A Roman Herald.
- T
ULLUS AUFIDIUS, General of the Volscians.- Lieutenant to Aufidius.
- Conspirators with Aufidius.
- N
ICANOR, a Roman.- A Citizen of Antium.
- A
DRIAN, a Volsce.- Two Volscian Guards.
- V
OLUMNIA, Mother to Coriolanus.- V
IRGILIA, Wife to Coriolanus.- V
ALERIA, Friend to Virgilia.- Gentlewoman, attending on Virgilia.
- T
Roman and Volscian Senators, Patricians, Ædiles, Lictors, Soldiers, Citizens, Messengers, Servants to Aufidius, and other Attendants.
SCENE. —Rome and the Neighbourhood; Corioli and the Neighbourhood; Antium.