Arthur Quiller-Couch, comp. The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse. 1922.
Evening, and MaidensWilliam Barnes (1801–1886)
Vrom the low-zinkèn zun in the west o’ the sky;
An’ the mâidens da stan out in clusters avore
The doors, var to chatty an’ zee vo’ke goo by.
An’ ther curdles da hang roun’ ther necks lily-white,
An’ ther cheäks tha be ruosy, ther shoulders be biare,
Ther looks tha be merry, ther lims tha be light.
nt be noo muore—
When I, too, had my jây under evemen’s dim sky,
When my Fanny did stan’ out wi’ others avore
Her door, var to chatty an’ zee vo’ke goo by.
That her brother trâin’d up roun’ her winder; an’ there
Is the ruose an’ the jessamy, where she did pluck
A flow’r var her buzom ar bud var her hiair.
As the zummers da come an’ the years da roll by,
Wull soon sadden, ar goo vur awoy vrom the pliace,
Ar else, lik’ my Fanny, wull wither an’ die.
Wull come on in y’ur pliazen to bloom an’ to die;
An’ zoo zummer wull always have mâidens avore
Ther doors, var to chatty an’ zee vo’ke goo by.
’ters ha’ marnen when mothers ha’ night,
An’ there ’s beauty alive when the fiairest is dead;
As when oon sparklèn wiave da zink down vrom the light,
Another da come up an’ catch it instead.
Zee the mâid I da miss under evemen’s dim sky;
An’ my heart is a-touch’d to zee you out avore
The doors, var to chatty and zee vo’ke goo by.