Arthur Quiller-Couch, comp. The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse. 1922.
The Lover’s SongAlfred Austin (1835–1913)
The young year in his gripe,
And bleating voices fill the folds,
And blackbirds pair and pipe;
Then coax the maiden where the sap
Awakes the woodlands drear,
And pour sweet wildflowers in her lap,
And sweet words in her ear.
For Springtime is the season, sure,
Since Love’s game first was play’d,
When tender thoughts began to lure
The heart of April maid,
Of maid,
The heart of April maid.
And all the buds are blown,
And O, ’tis joy to dream and doze
In meadows newly mown;
Then take her where the graylings leap,
And where the dabchick dives,
Or where the bees in clover reap
The harvest for their hives.
For Summer is the season when,
If you but know the way,
The maid that ’s kiss’d will kiss again,
Then pelt you with the hay,
The hay,
Then pelt you with the hay.
Then trundle home the sheaves,
And there ’s a rustling of the feet
Thro’ early-fallen leaves;
Entice her where the orchard glows
With apples plump and tart,
And tell her plain the thing she knows,
And ask her for her heart.
For Autumn is the season, boy,
To gather what we sow;
If you be bold, she won’t be coy,
Nor ever say you no,
Say no,
Nor ever say you no.
And arch the hornbeam drive,
And stamp their feet, and chafe their hands,
To keep their blood alive;
Then lead her where, where vows are heard,
The church-bells peal and swing,
And, as the parson speaks the word,
Then on her clap the ring.
For Winter is a cheerless time
To live and lie alone;
But what to him is snow or rime
Who calls his love his own,
His own,
Who calls his love his own?