Nicholson & Lee, eds. The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse. 1917.
James Rhoades (18411923)177. From Out of the Silence
The first bright arrows from the Orient shed,
The heart of Silence trembled into sound,
And out of Vastness came a Voice, which said:
I am the stream of Life that flows through thee:
I comprehend all substance, fill all space:
I am pure Being, by whom all things be.
I am the Deep, wherein thy sorrows cease:
Be still! be still! and know that I am God:
Acquaint thyself with Me, and be at peace!
If therewithin thou lose thee, thou art found:
The stormless, shoreless Ocean, which is I—
Thou canst not breathe, but in its bosom drowned.
I am all Power: the rest is phantasy:
Evil, and anguish, sorrow, death, and hell—
These are the fear-flung shadows of a lie.
That aught beside in earth or heaven hath sway!
The powers of darkness are not: that which is
Abideth: these but vaunt them for a day.
I made thee three in one, and one in three—
Spirit and Mind and Form, immortal Whole,
Divine and undivided Trinity.
Mind sees by Spirit: Body moves by Mind:
Divorced from Spirit, both way-wildered fall—
Leader and led, the blindfold and the blind.
Makes whole thy sickness, impotent thy sin:
Survey thy forces, rally to thyself:
That which thou would’st not hath no power to win.
Thou to thyself wert never yet more near:
Think not to shun Me: whither would’st thou fly?
Nor go not hence to seek Me: I am here.