The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse
CanadaSir Charles George Douglas Roberts (1860–1943)
Who stand’st among the nations now,
Unheeded, unadorned, unhymned,
With unanointed brow,—
The trust in greatness not thine own?
Surely the lion’s brood is strong
To front the world alone!
Achieve thy destiny, seize thy fame—
Ere our proud eyes behold thee bear
A nation’s franchise, nation’s name?
These are thy Manhood’s heritage!
Why rest with babes and slaves? Seek higher
The place of race and age.
The flag that bears the Maple-Wreath;
Thy swift keels furrow round the world
Its blood-red folds beneath;
Thy white sails swell with alien gales;
To stream on each remotest breeze
The black smoke of thy pipes exhales.
Thy future,—all the growth, the gain,
The fame since Cartier knew thee, since
Thy shores beheld Champlain!
Quebec, thy storied citadel
Attest in burning song and psalm
How here thy heroes fell!
At Queenston and at Lundy’s Lane,
On whose scant ranks but iron front
The battle broke in vain!
From whose triumphant throats the cheers,
At Chrysler’s Farm, at Chateauguay,
Storming like clarion-bursts our ears?
Strange floods that Northward rave and fall,
Where chafes Acadia’s chainless tide,
Thy sons await thy call.
With strangers housed, in stranger lands.
And some Canadian lips are dumb
Beneath Egyptian sands.
Before us; thy most ancient dreams
Are mixed with far Canadian fields
And murmur of Canadian streams.
Wake, and behold how night is done;
How on thy breast, and o’er thy brow,
Bursts the uprising Sun!