The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse
PatiencePamelia Sarah Vining Yule (1825–1897)
Hasted untiringly
The self-same old race to run;
Never aspiringly
Seeking some other road
Through the blue heaven
Than the one path which God
Long since had given;—
And I said, ‘Patient Sun,
Teach me my race to run,
Even as thine is done,
Steadfastly ever;
Weakly, impatiently
Wandering never!’
Sat uncomplainingly,
While in his boisterous mirth,
Winter disdainingly
Mocked at her steadfast trust
That from its icy chain
Spring her imprisoned dust
Soon would release again;—
And I said, ‘Patient Earth,
Biding thy hour of dearth,
Waiting the voice of mirth
Soon to rewaken,
Teach me like thee to trust,
Steadfast, unshaken!’