The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse
Funeral of Napoleon I.John Hawkins Hagarty (1816–1900)
Gloriously the imperial city rears her pride of tower and fane;
Solemnly with deep voice pealeth Nôtre Dame, thine ancient chime;
Minute-guns the death-bell answer in the same deep, measured time.
As the rising tempest chafeth on St. Helen’s far-off coast;
Nearer rolls a mighty pageant, clearer swells the funeral strain;
From the barrier arch of Neuilly pours the giant burial train.
Flap the folds of faded standards, eloquently mourning there;
O’er the pomp of glittering thousands, like a battle-phantom flits
Tatter’d flag of Jena, Friedland, Arcola, and Austerlitz.
’Mid a sea of plumes and horsemen, all the burial pomp of war.
Riderless, a war-worn charger follows his dead master’s bier;
Long since battle-trumpet roused him, he but lived to follow here.
Lo, the Imperial Dead returneth! lo, the Hero dust comes home!
He hath left the Atlantic island, lonely vale and willow-tree,
’Neath the Invalides to slumber, ’mid the Gallic chivalry.
Paladin and peer and marshal—France, thy noblest dust is there!
Names that light thy battle annals, names that shook the heart of earth!
Stars in crimson War’s horizon—synonyms for martial worth!
Homage yield, ye battle-phantoms. Lo, your mightiest comes at last!
Was his course the Woe out-thunder’d from prophetic trumpet’s lips?
Was his type the ghostly horseman shadow’d in the Apocalypse?
Followers of the Victor-Eagle, when his flight was wild and far.
Men who panted in the death-strife on Rodrigo’s bloody ridge,
Hearts that sicken’d at the death-shriek from the Russian’s shatter’d bridge;
‘Forty centuries o’erlook us from yon Pyramid’s grey height!’
They who heard the moans of Jaffa, and the breach of Acre knew,
They who rushed their foaming war-steeds on the squares of Waterloo;
Round the mighty burial gather, spellbound by the awful Dead!
Churchmen, princes, statesmen, warriors, all a kingdom’s chief array,
And the Fox stands, crownèd mourner, by the Eagle’s hero clay!
And the cannons’ iron voices have their thunder-requiem sung;
And, ’mid banners idly drooping, silent gloom and mouldering state,
Shall the trampler of the world upon the Judgement-trumpet wait.
Where the everlasting dirges moan’d around the burial isle;
Pyramid upheaved by Ocean in his loneliest wilds afar,
For the War-King thunder-stricken from his fiery battle-car!