The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse
CanadaJohn Campbell, Duke of Argyll (1845–1914)
Take Thy protecting hand!
United, Lord, for ever
Keep Thou our fathers’ land!
From where Atlantic terrors
Our hardy seamen train,
To where the salt sea mirrors
The vast Pacific chain.
Ay one with her whose thunder
Keeps world-watch with the hours,
Guard Freedom’s home and wonder,
This Canada of ours.
Be Thou her Shield and Sun!
Our land, our flag’s Defender,
Unite our hearts as one!
One flag, one land, upon her
May every blessing rest!
For loyal faith and honour
Her children’s deeds attest.
Ay one with her, &c.
Shall tread our country’s soil;
While stand her sons exulting
For her to live and toil.
She hath the victor’s guerdon,
Hers are the conquering hours,
No foeman’s yoke shall burden
This Canada of ours.
Ay one with her, &c.
Asked none but aid Divine,
And cleared the tangled forest,
And wrought the buried mine.
They tracked the floods and fountains,
And won, with master-hand,
Far more than gold in mountains,
The glorious Prairie-land.
Ay one with her, &c.
Make Thou our nation strong;
Pour forth Thine hot displeasure
On all who work her wrong!
To our remotest border
Let plenty still increase,
Let Liberty and Order
Bid ancient feuds to cease.
Ay one with her, &c.
Keep house for hearts as bold
As theirs who o’er the waters
Came hither first of old.
The pioneers of nations!
They showed the world the way;
’Tis ours to keep their stations,
And lead the van to-day.
Ay one with her, &c.
O countrymen! we swear
To guard the flag whose story
Shall onward victory bear.
Where’er through earth’s far regions
Its triple crosses fly,
For God, for home, our legions
Shall win, or fighting die!
Ay one with her, &c.