The Oxford Book of Canadian Verse
To a Humming-bird in a GardenGeorge Murray (1830–1910)
Admiringly I greet thee;
Born in old England’s misty clime,
I scarcely hoped to meet thee.
Or from Brazil’s savannahs,
Where flowers of every dazzling hue
Flaunt, gorgeous as Sultanas?
Suspicious little stranger!
Fear not, thy burnished wings may blaze
Secure from harm or danger.
Like some stray sunbeam darting,
With scarce a second’s space between
Its coming and departing.
In Pat’s immortal blunder,
Spied in two places at a time,
Thou challengest our wonder.
Sweet blooms thou lov’st to rifle;
The subtle perfumes they distil
Might well thy being stifle.
Is slightly alcoholic,
Or why, through burning August hours,
Dost thou pursue thy frolic?
With music, soft or stirring;
Still, like a spinning-wheel, thy wings
Incessantly are whirring.
Thy tiny cara sposa,
As full of sensibility
As any coy mimosa!
Where two warm pearls are lying,
She boldly fights, though sore distrest,
And sends the brigands flying.
Have won from men of science!
Pedantic and poetic scribes
For once are in alliance.
Sun Jewel, Ruby-Throated,
With Flaming Topaz, Crimson Down,
Are names that may be quoted.
That on the darlings glitter,
And were we for a week to muse,
We scarce could light on fitter.
Gay rainbow-tinted rover;
Would that my life, like thine, were free
From care till all is over!