Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. II. The Seventeenth Century: Ben Jonson to Dryden
William Habington (1605–1654)To Castara, in a Trance
And as I break the prison of my clay
I ’ll fill the canvas with my expiring breath,
And sail with thee o’er the vast main of Death.
Some cherubin thus, as we pass, shall play:
‘Go, happy twins of love!’—the courteous sea
Shall smooth her wrinkled brow; the winds shall sleep,
Or only whisper music to the deep;
Every ungentle rock shall melt away,
The sirens sing to please, not to betray;
The indulgent sky shall smile; each starry quire
Contend, which shall afford the brighter fire.
While Love, the pilot, steers his course so even
Ne’er to cast anchor till we reach at Heaven.