Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. I. Early Poetry: Chaucer to Donne
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517–1547)On the Death of Sir Thomas Wyatt
Whose heavenly gifts increased by disdain,
And virtue sank the deeper in his breast;
Such profit he by envy could obtain.
Whose hammers beat still in that lively brain,
As on a stithe where that some work of fame
Was daily wrought, to turn to Britain’s gain.
Vice to contemn, in virtue to rejoice;
Amid great storms whom grace assured so
To live upright, and smile at fortune’s choice.
That reft Chaucer the glory of his wit;
A mark, the which (unperfected for time)
Some may approach, but never none shall hit.
Whose courteous talk to virtue did inflame
Each noble heart: a worthy guide to bring
Our English youth by travail unto fame.
Friends to allure and foes to reconcile,
Whose piercing look did represent a mind
With virtue fraught reposed void of guile.
To hide the thought that might the truth advance;
In neither fortune loft, nor yet represt,
To swell in wealth, or yield unto mischance.
Happy alas, too happy but for foes,
Lived, and ran the race that nature set;
Of manhood’s shape where she the mould did lose.
Which left, with such as covet Christ to know,
Witness of faith that never could be dead;
Sent for our health, but not received so.
The earth his bones, the heavens possess his ghost.