Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. I. Early Poetry: Chaucer to Donne
Sir John Davies (1570–1626)From Hymnes of Astraea, in Acrosticke Verse: To the Spring
E arth now is green, and heaven is blue,
L ively Spring which makes all new,
I olly Spring, doth enter;
S weet young sun-beams do subdue
A ngry, agèd Winter.
E very meadow flows with balm,
T he Earth wears all her riches;
H armonious birds sing such a psalm,
A s ear and heart bewitches.
E ternal garlands of thy flowers,
G reen garlands never wasting:
I n her shall last our state’s fair Spring,
N ow and for ever flourishing,
A s long as Heaven is lasting.