Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. I. Early Poetry: Chaucer to Donne
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1340–1400)Extracts from The Tale of the Man of Lawe
[Custance is falsely charged with the murder of Dame Hermengild. The Knight who charges her is struck down for his perjury.]
Ne fyghtë canstow nought, so weylawey!
But he, that starf for our redempcioun,
And bond Sathan (and yit lyth ther he lay)
So be thy strongë champioun this day!
For, but if crist open miracle kythe,
Withouten gilt thou shalt he slayn as swythe.
‘Immortal god, that sauedest Susanne
Fro falsë blame, and thow, merciful mayde,
Mary I menë, doughter to Seint Anne,
Bifore whos child aungelës singe Osanne,
If I be giltlees of this felonye,
My socour be, for elles I shal dye!’
Among a prees, of him that hath be lad
Toward his deth, wher as him gat no grace,
And swich a colour in his face hath had,
Men myghtë knowe his face, that was bistad,
Amongës alle the faces in that route:
So stant Custance, and looketh hir aboute.
Duchesses, and ladyës euerichone,
Haueth som rewthe on hir aduersitee;
An emperourës doughter stant allone;
She hath no wight to whom to make hir mone.
O blood roial! that stondest in this drede,
Fer ben thy frendës at thy gretë nede!
As gentil herte is fulfild of pitee,
That from his yën ran the water doun.
‘Now hastily do fecche a book,’ quod he,
‘And if this knyght wol sweren how that she
This womman slow, yet wole we vs auyse
Whom that we wole that shal ben our Iustyse.’
Was fet, and on this book he swor anoon
She gilty was, and in the menë whyles
A hand him smot vpon the nekkë-boon,
That doun he fel atonës as a stoon,
And both his yën braste out of his face
In sight of euery body in that place.
And seyde, ‘thou hast disclaundered giltelees
The doughter of holy chirche in hey presence;
Thus hastou doon, and yet holde I my pees.’
Of this meruaille agast was al the prees;
As masëd folk they stoden euerichone,
For drede of wrechë, saue Custance allone.
Of hem that hadden wrong suspeccioun
Vpon this sely innocent Custance;
And, for this miracle, in conclusioun,
And by Custances mediacioun,
The king, and many another in that place,
Conuerted was, thanked be Cristës grace!
By Iugëment of Alla hastily;
And yet Custance hadde of his deth gret rewthe.
And after this Iesus, of his mercy,
Made Alla wedden ful solempnëly
This holy mayden, that is so bright and sheene,
And thus hath Crist ymaad Custance a queene.
Wepen both yonge and olde in al that place,
Whan that the king this cursëd letter sente,
And Custance, with a deedly palë face,
The ferthë day toward hir ship she wente.
But nathëles she taketh in good entente
The wille of Crist, and, kneling on the stronde,
She seydë, ‘lord! ay wel-com be thy sonde!
Whyl I was on the londe amongës yow,
He can me kepe from harme and eek fro shame
In saltë see, al-though I se nat how.
As strong as euer he was, he is yet now.
In him triste I, and in his moder dere,
That is to me my seyl and eek my stere.’
And kneling, pitously to him she seyde,
‘Pees, litel sone, I wol do thee noon harm.’
With that hir kerchef of hir heed she breyde,
And ouer his litel yën she it leyde;
And in hir arm she lulleth it ful faste,
And in-to heuen hir yën vp she caste.
Soth is that thurgh womannës eggëment
Mankynd was lorn and damnëd ay to dye,
For which thy child was on a croys yrent;
Thy blisful yën seye al his torment;
Than is ther no comparisoun bitwene
Thy wo and any wo man may sustene.
And yet now lyueth my litel child, parfay!
Now, lady bryght, to whom alle woful cryën,
Thou glorie of wommanhede, thou fayrë may,
Thou hauen of refut, bryghtë sterre of day,
Rewe on my child, that of thy gentillesse
Rewest on euery rewful in distresse!
That neuer wroughtest sinne as yet, parde,
Why wil thyn hardë fader han thee spilt?
O mercy, derë Constable!’ quod she;
‘As lat my litel child dwelle heer with thee;
And if thou darst not sauen him, for blame,
So kis him onës in his fadres name!’
And seydë, ‘far-wel, housbond rewthëlees!’
And vp she rist, and walketh doun the stronde
Toward the ship; hir folweth al the prees,
And euer she preyeth hir child to holde his pees;
And taketh hir leue, and with an holy entente
She blisseth hir; and in-to ship she wente.
Habundantly for hir ful longe space,
And other necessaries that sholde nede
She hadde ynough, heried be Goddes grace!
For wynd and weder almyghty God purchace
And bringe hir hoom! I can no better seye;
But in the see she dryueth forth hir weye.
Whan Alla sey his wyf, fayre he hir grette,
And weep, that it was rewthë for to see.
For at the firstë look he on hir sette
He knew wel verraily that it was she.
And she for sorwe as domb stant as a tre;
So was hir hertë shet in hir distresse
Whan she remembred his vnkyndënesse.
He weep, and him excuseth pitously:—
‘Now God,’ quod he, ‘and alle his halwes bryghte
So wisly on my soule as haue mercy,
That of your harm as giltelees am I
As is Maurice my sone so lyk your face;
Ellës the feend me fecche out of this place!’
Er that her woful hertës myghtë cesse;
Greet was the pitë for to here hem pleyne
Thurgh whichë pleyntës gan her wo encresse.
I prey yow al my labour to relesse;
I may nat telle her wo vn-til tomorwe,
I am so wery for to speke of sorwe.
That Alla giltëlees was of hir wo,
I trowe an hundred tymës been they kist,
And swich a blisse is ther bitwix hem two
That, saue the Ioye that lasteth euermo,
Ther is noon lyk that any creature
Hath seyn or shal, whyl that the world may dure.