Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. III. The Eighteenth Century: Addison to Blake
William Blake (1757–1827)Extracts from Poetical Sketches: Song: ‘My silks and fine array’
My smiles and languished air,
By love are driven away;
And mournful lean Despair
Brings me yew to deck my grave:
Such end true lovers have.
When springing buds unfold;
Oh, why to him was ’t given
Whose heart is wintry cold?
His breast is love’s all-worshipped tomb
Where all love’s pilgrims come.
Bring me a winding sheet;
When I my grave have made,
Let winds and tempest beat;
Then down I ’ll lie as cold as clay.
True love doth pass away!