Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. V. Browning to Rupert Brooke
Thomas Edward Brown (1830–1897)Extracts from Clevedon Verses: Norton Wood (Dora’s Birthday)
In Norton wood the air was light,
And meek anemonies,
Kissed by the April breeze,
Were trembling left and right.
Ah, vigorous year!
Ah, primrose dear
With smile so arch!
Ah, budding larch!
Ah, hyacinth so blue,
We also must make free with you!
Where are those cowslips hiding?
But we should not be chiding—
The ground is covered every inch—
What sayest, master finch?
I see you on the swaying bough!
And very neat you are, I vow!
And Dora says it is “the happiest day!”
Her birthday, hers!
And there ’s a jay,
And from that clump of firs
Shoots a great pigeon, purple, blue, and gray.
And, coming home,
Well-laden, as we clomb
Sweet Walton hill,
A cuckoo shouted with a will—
“Cuckoo! cuckoo!” the first we’ve heard!
“Cuckoo! cuckoo!” God bless the bird!
Scarce time to take his breath,
And now “Cuckoo!” he saith—
Cuckoo! cuckoo! three cheers!
And let the welkin ring!
He has not folded wing
Since last he saw Algiers.