Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. III. The Eighteenth Century: Addison to Blake
Christopher Smart (1722–1771)Extracts from A Song to David
With harp of high majestic tone,
To praise the King of kings;
And voice of heaven-ascending swell,
Which, while its deeper notes excel,
Clear as a clarion rings:
And charm the cherubs to the post
Of gratitude in throngs;
To keep the days on Zion’s mount,
And send the year to his account
With dances and with songs:
The minister of praise at large,
Which thou may’st now receive;
From thy blest mansion hail and hear,
From topmost eminence appear
To this the wreath I weave.
Sublime, contemplative, serene,
Strong, constant, pleasant, wise!
Bright effluence of exceeding grace;
Best man!—the swiftness and the race,
The peril, and the prize!
From Samuel’s horn and God’s renown,
Which is the people’s voice;
For all the host, from rear to van,
Applauded and embraced the man—
The man of God’s own choice.
The fight—he triumphed o’er his foes,
Whom God’s just laws abhor;
And armed in gallant faith he took
Against the boaster, from the brook,
The weapons of the war.
’Twas he the famous temple planned
(The seraph in his soul);
Foremost to give his Lord his dues,
Foremost to bless the welcome news,
And foremost to condole.
From God’s best nature good in grain,
His aspect and his heart;
To pity, to forgive, to save;
Witness Engedi’s conscious cave,
And Shimei’s blunted dart.
And love, which could itself inure
To fasting and to fear—
Clean in his gestures, hands, and feet,
To smite the lyre, the dance complete,
To play the sword and spear.
Of vast conception, towering tongue
To God th’ eternal theme;
Notes from yon exaltations caught,
Unrivalled royalty of thought
O’er meaner strains supreme.
His musings, and above the six
The sabbath-day he blest;
’Twas then his thoughts self-conquest pruned,
And heavenly melancholy tuned,
To bless and bear the rest.
Remembering, when he watched the fleece,
How sweetly Kidron purled—
To further knowledge, silence vice,
And plant perpetual paradise
When God had calmed the world.
Satan, and all his powers that lie
In sempiternal night;
And hell, and horror, and despair
Were as the lion and the bear
To his undaunted might.
Age, manhood, infancy and youth—
To Jonathan his friend
Constant, beyond the verge of death,
And Ziba and Mephibosheth
His endless fame attend.
Man, soul, and angel, without peer,
Priest, champion, sage, and boy;
In armour or in ephod clad,
His pomp, his piety was glad;
Majestic was his joy.
Whence rose his eminence o’er all,
Of all the most reviled;
The light of Israel in his ways,
Wise are his precepts, prayer and praise
And counsel to his child.
Gives balm for all the thorns that pierce,
For all the pangs that rage;
Blest light, still gaining on the gloom,
The more than Michal of his bloom,
Th’ Abishag of his age.
Of all things—the stupendous force
On which all strength depends;
From whose right arm, beneath whose eyes,
All period, power and enterprise
Commences, reigns, and ends.
Which to and fro with blessings speed,
Or with their citterns wait;
Where Michael with his millions bows,
Where dwells the seraph and his spouse,
The cherub and her mate.
Of God and Love—the Saint elect
For infinite applause—
To rule the land, and briny broad,
To be laborious in his laud,
And heroes in his cause.
The glorious light, the soothing shade,
Dale, champaign, grove and hill;
The multitudinous abyss,
Where secrecy remains in bliss,
And wisdom hides her skill.
Gem yielding blossom, yielding fruit,
Choice gums and precious balm;
Bless ye the nosegay in the vale,
And with the sweetness of the gale
Enrich the thankful psalm.
Which cheer the winter, hail the spring,
That live in peace or prey;
They that make music, or that mock,
The quail, the brave domestic cock,
The raven, swan, and jay.
Which nature frames of light escape,
Devouring man to shun:
The shells are in the wealthy deep,
The shoals upon the surface leap,
And love the glancing sun.
While the sleek tigers roll and bask,
Nor yet the shades arouse;
Her cave the mining coney scoops;
Where o’er the mead the mountain stoops
The kids exult and browse.
Which hid in earth from man’s device,
Their darts of lustre sheathe;
The jasper of the master’s stamp,
The topaz blazing like a lamp
Among the mines beneath.
O David, highest on the list
Of worthies, on God’s ways insist,
The genuine word repeat:
Vain are the documents of men,
And vain the flourish of the pen
That keeps the fool’s conceit.
Heap up the measure, load the scales,
And good to goodness add:
The generous soul her favour aids,
But peevish obloquy degrades;
The Lord is great and glad.
Of angels yield eternal thanks,
And David in the midst;
With God’s good poor, which, last and least
In man’s esteem, thou to thy feast,
O blessed bridegroom, bidst.
And order, truth, and beauty range,
Adjust, attract, and fill:
The grass the polyanthus checks;
And polished porphyry reflects,
By the descending rill.
For adoration; tendrils climb,
And fruit-trees pledge their gems;
And Ivis with her gorgeous vest
Builds for her eggs her cunning nest,
And bell-flowers bow their stems.
Sweet is the dew that falls betimes,
And drops upon the leafy limes;
Sweet Hermon’s fragrant air:
Sweet is the lily’s silver bell,
And sweet the wakeful tapers smell
That watch for early prayer.
Which smiles o’er sleeping innocence;
Sweet when the lost arrive:
Sweet the musician’s ardour beats,
While his vague mind ’s in quest of sweets,
The choicest flowers to hive.
The language of thy turtle dove
Paired to thy swelling chord;
Sweeter with every grace endued
The glory of thy gratitude
Respired unto the Lord.
Strong in pursuit the rapid glede,
Which makes at once his game:
Strong the tall ostrich on the ground;
Strong thro’ the turbulent profound
Shoots xiphias to his aim.
His eyeball—like a bastion’s mole
His chest against the foes;
Strong, the gier-eagle on his sail,
Strong against tide th’ enormous whale
Emerges as he goes.
And in the sea, the man of prayer;
And far beneath the tide;
And in the seat to faith assigned,
Where ask is have, where seek is find,
Where knock is open wide.
Beauteous the multitudes in mail,
Ranked arms and crested heads:
Beauteous the garden’s umbrage mild,
Walk, water, meditated wild,
And all the bloomy beds.
And beauteous, when the veil’s withdrawn,
The virgin to her spouse:
Beauteous the temple decked and filled,
When to the heaven of heavens they build
Their heart-directed vows.
The shepherd-king upon his knees
For his momentous trust;
With wish of infinite conceit,
For man, beast, mute, the small and great,
And prostrate dust to dust.
And precious, for extreme delight,
The largess from the churl:
Precious the ruby’s blushing blaze,
And alba’s blest imperial rays,
And pure cerulean pearl.
And precious is the sigh sincere,
Acceptable to God:
And precious are the winning flowers,
In gladsome Israel’s feast of bowers,
Bound on the hallowed sod.
Of David, even the Lord’s own heart,
Great, beautiful, and new;
In all things where it was intent,
In all extremes, in each event
Proof—answering true to true.
Glorious th’ assembled fires appear;
Glorious the comet’s train:
Glorious the trumpet and alarm;
Glorious th’ almighty stretched-out arm;
Glorious th’ enraptured main:
Glorious the song, when God’s the theme;
Glorious the thunder’s roar:
Glorious hosanna from the den;
Glorious the catholic amen;
Glorious the martyr’s gore:
Of Him that brought salvation down,
By meekness call’d thy Son;
Thou at stupendous truth believed,
And now the matchless deed’s achieved,
Determined, dared, and done.