Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. I. Early Poetry: Chaucer to Donne
John Skelton (1460?–1529)Extract from The Bowge of Courte: Picture of Riot
A rusty gallande, to-ragged and to-rente:
And on the borde he whyrled a payre of bones;
Quater treye dews he clatered as he wente:
Now have at all, by Sainte Thomas of Kente!
And ever he threwe and kyst I wote nere what,
His here was growen thorowe oute his hat.
His hede was hevy for watchynge over nyghte,
His eyen blereed, his face shone lyke a glas,
His gowne so shorte that it ne cover myghte
His rumpe, he wente so all for somer lyghte,
His hose was garded wyth a lyste of grene,
Yet at the knee they were broken I wene.
Of Kyrkeby Kendall was his shorte demye,
And ay he sange, ‘In fayth, decon thow crewe’
His elbowe bare, he ware his gere so nye:
His nose a droppynge, his lyppes were full drye,
And by his syde his whynarde and his pouche
The devyll myghte daunce therein for ony crowche.