Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. II. The Seventeenth Century: Ben Jonson to Dryden
Abraham Cowley (1618–1667)Extract from Discourses by Way of Essays: On Solitude
Hail ye plebeian underwood!
Where the poetic birds rejoice,
And for their quiet nests and plenteous food,
Pay with their grateful voice.
Ye country houses and retreat,
Which all the happy gods so love,
That for you oft they quit their bright and great
Metropolis above.
Nature the wisest architect,
Who those fond artists does despise
That can the fair and living trees neglect,
Yet the dead timber prize.
Hear the soft winds above me flying
With all their wanton boughs dispute,
And the more tuneful birds to both replying,
Nor be myself too mute.
Gilt with the sunbeams here and there,
On whose enamel’d bank I ’ll walk,
And see how prettily they smile, and hear
How prettily they talk.
Who loves not his own company!
He ’ll feel the weight of ’t many a day
Unless he call in sin or vanity
To help to bear ’t away.
Which blest remain’d till man did find
Even his own helper’s company.
As soon as two (alas!) together join’d,
The serpent made up three.
His sole companion chose to be,
Thee, sacred Solitude alone,
Before the branchy head of number’s tree
Sprang from the trunk of one.
Dost break and tame th’ unruly heart,
Which else would know no settled pace,
Making it more well manag’d by thy art
With swiftness and with grace.
Dost like a burning-glass unite,
Dost multiply the feeble heat,
And fortify the strength, till thou dost bright
And noble fires beget.
The monster London laugh at me,
I should at thee too, foolish city,
If it were fit to laugh at misery,
But thy estate I pity.
And all the fools that crowd thee so,
Even thou who dost thy millions boast,
A village less than Islington wilt grow,
A solitude almost.