
Home  »  The English Poets  »  Extract from Colyn Cloute

Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. I. Early Poetry: Chaucer to Donne

John Skelton (1460?–1529)

Extract from Colyn Cloute


As I go about

And wandryng as I walke

I heare the people talke;

Men say for syluer and golde

Miters are bought and sold;

There shall no clergy appose

A myter nor a crosse

But a full purse.

A straw for Goddes curse!

What are they the worse?

For a simoniake,

Is but a hermoniake,

And no more ye make

Of symony men say

But a childes play.

Over this, the forsayd laye

Report how the pope maye

A holy anker call

Out of the stony wall,

And hym a bysshopp make

If he on him dare take

To kepe so hard a rule,

To ryde vpon a mule

Wyth golde all betrapped,

In purple and paule belapped.

Some hatted and some capped,

Rychely be wrapped,

God wot to theyr great paynes,

In rochettes of fine raynes;

Whyte as morowes mylke,

Their tabertes of fine silke,

Their stirops of mixt golde begared,

There may no cost be spared.

Their moyles golde doth eate,

Theyr neighbours dye for meat.

What care they though Gill sweat,

Or Jacke of the Noke?

The pore people they yoke

With sommons and citacions

And excommunications

Aboute churches and market;

The bysshop on his carpet

At home full soft doth syt,

This is a feareful fyt,

To heare the people iangle!

How warely they wrangle,

Alas why do ye not handle,

And them all mangle?

Full falsly on you they lye

And shamefully you ascry,

And say as untruly,

As the butterfly

A man might say in mocke

Ware the wethercocke

Of the steple of Poules,

And thus they hurt their soules

In sclaunderyng you for truth,

Alas it is great ruthe!

Some say ye sit in trones

Like prynces aquilonis,

And shryne your rotten bones

With pearles and precious stones,

But now the commons grones

And the people mones

For preestes and for lones

Lent and neuer payde,

But from day to day delaid,

The commune welth decayd.

Men say ye are tunge tayde,

And therof speake nothing

But dissimuling and glosing.

Wherfore men be supposing

That ye geue shrewd counsel

Against the commune wel,

By pollyng and pillage

In cities and village,

By taxyng and tollage,

Ye have monks to have the culerage

For coueryng of an old cottage,

That committed is a collage,

In the charter of dottage,

Tenure par service de sottage,

And not par service de socage,

After old segnyours

And the learning of Litleton tenours,

Ye haue so ouerthwarted

That good lawes are subuerted,

And good reason peruerted.