Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. I. Early Poetry: Chaucer to Donne
John Marston (1575?–1634)Critical Introduction by William Minto
[Marston has been identified with an Oxford man of that name who was admitted B.A. in 1593, and with Maxton or Mastone, ‘the new poet’ mentioned in Henslowe’s Diary in 1599. But nothing is known of his private life. He published The Metamorphosis of Pygmalion’s Image and Certain Satires in 1598, and The Scourge of Villany, Three Books of Satires, in the same year. He was conjoined with Chapman and Jonson in the composition of the play called Eastward Ho! which had unpleasant consequences for its authors, and he wrote several plays by himself, the dates of which range from 1602 to 1613.]
The eloquence of Hall’s satires makes one hesitate to say that the language had not then been developed into a fitting instrument for polished satire, but, however this may be, Marston made no attempt at rapier-like thrusts of cynical wit. He guffawed at Hall’s ‘worthless satires,’ and the graceful archaism of his style, which seemed to him as contemptible as any of the minor vices which the satirist undertook to expose. Hall in one of his satires expressed a wish that he could use the freedom of speech of the ancient satirists. Marston gratified this wish without scruple, to such an extent that he has been stigmatised as the most filthy and scurrilous writer of his time. To the first of these epithets Marston has some claim, but to call him scurrilous conveys an imputation of ill-nature which would be most undeserved. That he could write better things than the coarse, rugged, furious, ribald, broadly-humorous couplets which he called satires, and which he estimated himself at their true value, when he took his ‘solemn congé of this fusty world,’ may be seen by any one who consults Charles Lamb’s extracts from his plays, or better still, the plays themselves.