Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. II. The Seventeenth Century: Ben Jonson to Dryden
William Habington (1605–1654)Against Them Who Lay Unchastity to the Sex of Women
And summers which infectious are;
They hear but when the mermaid sings,
And only see the falling star,
Who ever dare
Affirm no woman chaste and fair.
The dog-days scorch not all the year:
In copper mines no longer stay,
But travel to the west, and there
The right ones see,
And grant all gold ’s not alchemy.
Is cold, swears there ’s no warmth in fire?
’Cause some make forfeit of their name,
And slave themselves to man’s desire,
Shall the sex, free
From guilt, damn’d to the bondage be?
Thy virtue then would brighter shine,
When thy example should prevail,
And every woman’s faith be thine:
And were there none,
’Tis majesty to rule alone.