Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. I. Early Poetry: Chaucer to Donne
Joseph Hall (1574–1656)Advice to Marry Betimes
Soon are sons spent, that not soon reared are.
Gallio may pull me roses ere they fall,
Or in his net entrap the tennis ball,
Or tend his spar-hawk mantling in her mew,
Or yelping beagles’ busy heels pursue,
Or watch a sinking cork upon the shore,
Or halter finches through a privy door,
Or list he spend the time in sportful game,
In daily courting of his lovely dame,
Hang on her lips, melt in her wanton eye,
Dance in her hand, joy in her jollity:
Here ’s little peril, and much lesser pain,
So timely Hymen do the rest restrain.
Hie wanton Gallio and wed betime,
Why should’st thou lose the pleasures of thy prime?
Seest thou the rose leaves fall ungathered?
Then hie thee, wanton Gallio, to wed.