

‘Not, like his great Compeers, indignantly Doth Danube spring to life!’

Before this quarter of the Black Forest was inhabited, the source of the Danube might have suggested some of those sublime images which Armstrong has so finely described; at present, the contrast is most striking. The Spring appears in a capacious stone Basin in front of a Ducal palace, with a pleasure-ground opposite; then, passing under the pavement, takes the form of a little, clear, bright, black, vigorous rill, barely wide enough to tempt the agility of a child five years old to leap over it,–and entering the garden, it joins, after a course of a few hundred yards, a stream much more considerable than itself. The ‘copiousness’ of the spring at ‘Doneschingen’ must have procured for it the honour of being named the Source of the Danube.