Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
III. He Mourns the Loss of His MistressWilliam Drummond, of Hawthornden (1585–1649)
So to enrich the heaven mad’st poor this round,
And now, with golden rays of glory crowned,
Most blest abid’st above the sphere of spheres;
If heavenly laws, alas! have not thee bound
From looking to this globe that all up-bears,
If ruth and pity there above be found,
O deign to lend a look unto these tears.
Do not disdain, dear ghost, this sacrifice;
And though I raise not pillars to thy praise,
My offerings take. Let this for me suffice:
My heart, a living pyramid, I raise;
And whilst kings’ tombs with laurels flourish green,
Thine shall with myrtles and these flowers be seen.