Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
V. Singing-BirdsSir John Hanmer (1809–1881)
But for thy praise would fail my weaker song;
Sweet all thy airy kindred, that belong
To Nature’s happiest haunts, by field or vale;
And some there are, that, in the shadows pale
Of cavernous dim towns, make yearn the throng;
Prisoners are they, and blind, yet seems more strong
The melody of their lives’ remembered tale.
Ye are the accepted poets: wheresoe’er
Your notes have sounded, joy hath thither come,
As flowers to forest wells, serene and clear:
Fame wears ye not, that eats the hearts of some:
Those unambitious accents man doth hear,
And straight the importunate voice of self is done.