Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
IV. A CloudMrs. Elizabeth Jesup Eames (1813–1856)
Floating in peerless beauty ’long the sky,
Heeds not the eternal stars around it set,
But silent as a dream goes gliding by.
O wand’ring cloud! fair child of dream and vision!
Radiant illusion, shining vapor! thou
Art like our ideal pictures of Elysium,—
Too bright and brief, as from thy beauteous brow
The changeful glories pass! As thou to heaven,
Was Hope, the angel, to my future given.
Her wing is folded now! not long she wore
The dew of morning on her pearly plume,
Cloud-like she passed away;—O, nevermore
Will Hope return to gild life’s grief and gloom!