Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
II. The MoonMrs. Elizabeth Jesup Eames (1813–1856)
She looketh down, and meets a human gaze:
Her fair familiar face, through the thin haze
Of dewy night, revealeth not the less
Her pure and perfect beauty. Fairy Moon,
Thy pearly finger silvereth the paper
Whereon I write: small need of lamp, or taper,
In this starred midnight’s haunted hour of noon.
And O, the heaven-touched radiance of thy brow
Is like a dream of poetry, enchanting
All the dark depths of my lone heart, beating
With one bright vision of the past, that now
Shines seraph-like, all sanctified and sainted.
But for that spiritual presence, O how oft my heart had fainted!