Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
II. DaybreakMrs. Alice Bradley Neal (1828–1863)
Faint and uncertain, struggled through the gloom,
And shed a misty twilight on the room,—
Long-watched-for herald of the coming day!
It brought a thrill of gladness to my breast.
With claspéd hands, and streaming eyes, I prayed,
Thanking my God for light, though long delayed;
And gentle calm stole o’er my wild unrest.
“O soul!” said I, “thy boding murmurs cease.
Though sorrow bind thee as a funeral pall,
Thy Father’s hand is guiding thee through all;
His love will bring a true and perfect peace.
Look upward once again, though drear the night:
Earth may be darkness; Heaven will give thee light.”