Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
III. Thy Beauty FadesJones Very (1813–1880)
For ’t was the selfsame stalk that bore its flower;
Soft fell the rain, and breaking from above
The sun looked out upon our nuptial hour;
And I had thought forever by thy side
With bursting buds of hope in youth to dwell;
But one by one Time strewed thy petals wide,
And every hope’s wan look a grief can tell:
For I had thoughtless lived beneath his sway,
Who like a tyrant dealeth with us all,
Crowning each rose, though rooted on decay,
With charms that shall the spirit’s love enthrall,
And for a season turn the soul’s pure eyes
From virtue’s changeless bloom, that time and death defies.