Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
V. The Statue of Albert Dürer at NürnbergJohn Stuart Blackie (1809–1895)
An air of hardy well-proved thought he wears,
As one that never flinched; and in his hand
The cunning tools of his high art he bears.
From thy grave face severe instructions come;
The peace that ’s born of well-fought fights is thine
Before thy look frivolity is dumb,
And each true workman feels his craft divine.
First-born of Jove, immortal Toil! by thee
This city rose, by thee, so quaintly fair,
It stands, with well-hewn stone in each degree,
Turret, and spire, and carvéd gable rare.
Toil shaped the worlds; and on Earth’s fruitful sod
Man works, a fellow-laborer with God.