Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
Sonnets to Winter. III. Old Books to ReadJohn R. Thompson (1823–1873)
A Virgil’s lay or “Livy’s pictured page,”
The varied lore of an Augustan age,—
What visions panoramic they disclose!
With o’er-attentive faculties we hear
The wandering minstrelsy of Scio’s bard,—
Poor houseless tenant of a life ill-starred,—
Or catch the minster-music of the seer
Chanting of Paradise “and all our woe.”
Then, with the Christian pilgrim for our guide,
We safely pass the dark and bridgeless tide
To Beulah’s land, where flowerets ever blow,
Of Shakespeare’s heroes trace the storied line,
Or weigh the mercies of the Book divine!