Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
II. Written at VallombrosaJohn R. Tait (1834–1909)
The brook’s abandon on the rocky steep;
The rustling leaves; the tangled vines, where peep
(Like black eyes gleaming through an Oread’s hair)
Large, luscious more ’mid the wild-flowers rare;
The solemn forest aisles, where winds asleep
Whisper their dreamy aves, or in deep
Cathedral tones awake to choral prayer,
While like an echo sounds the pious choir
In the near cloisters;—this—so grand, so lone,
So sad!—is Vallombrosa. Gazing higher,
The purple peaks glow in the dying sun—
So beautiful! my daring thoughts aspire,
And dwell with Milton on his cloudy throne!