Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
VIII. To the Memory of M. A. R.George Henry Boker (1823–1890)
Illumes her pathway through the heavenly blue,—
So unobtrusive that the careless view
Scarce notes her where her haughtier sisters are,—
So ran thy life. Perhaps, from those afar,
Thy gentle radiance little wonder drew,
And all their praise was for the brighter few.
Yet mortal vision is a grievous bar
To perfect judgment. Were the distance riven,
Our eyes might find that star so faintly shone
Because it journeyed through a higher zone,
Had more majestic sway and duties given,
Far loftier station on the heights of Heaven,
Was next to God, and circled round his throne.