Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
IV. To Edith—1845Bryan Waller Procter (1787–1874)
And Nature through her gentlest instinct taught,
(Till Time the Soul’s bright pinions outward drew,
And Reason with Imagination wrought,)
Mayst thou take note—as a good child should do—
Of all things best in her, of deed and thought:
Mayst thou be prudent, wise, sweet-tempered, true,
Trustful, but by no specious error caught;
God bless thee! May thy blameless life be hung
With garlands of delight! May Peace, the dove,
Dwell in thine heart through long and prosperous days!
May Truth e’er warn thee with an Angel’s tongue!
May Earth’s best children meet thy love with love;
And Heaven smile on thee in a thousand ways!